Swift Evolution Monthly Swift Evolution Monthly: February-April 2024 Swift 6 around the corner, Swift Backtrace APIs for improved Debugging, Improving Concurrency, a new Swift Steering Workgroup, and much more. Summarizing the best of Swift Evolution from February to April 2024.
Swift Evolution Monthly Swift Evolution Monthly: January '24 Smoothing out some rough edges in Swift concurrency. System-level programming with low-level atomics. And many interesting new proposals linked!
Swift Evolution Monthly Swift Evolution Monthly: December '23 Our biggest wish came true: Explaining Typed Throws in Swift. Also: Improved namespacing and reduced dependency creep. And 14 more proposals linked!
Developer Blog Preparing My App for Swift 6 How to enable Swift 6 mode for your Xcode projects and for your SwiftPM modules today. And what the migration experience is like.
Swift Evolution Monthly Swift Evolution Monthly Jan + Feb '23 Expression Macros, Deprecate @UIApplicationMain, Forward Declared ObjC Interfaces, Swift 5.8 & 6 schedule